I arrived back from Australia just before the New Year and touched down in freezing PA. When I left Sydney it was over 100 degrees and when I arrived home here in PA it was only 25 degrees! After a great vacation in Australia catching up with a few of my old sparing partners, it was great to get to back to True Prospect Farm and start riding again.
*Photo 1 - Boyd & Remington
All the horses look fantastic, and I am extremely excited with Remington (one of my favorites). He's is just about to start to compete at the Advanced level so we have started training the flying changes. My man has already got the idea of this advanced dressage movement. The other horses that I was pretty impressed with have been Minoture D Passior, Benwald, and Valentino. Jennifer Brannigan has done a superb job keeping these special horses in top nic.
*Photo 2 - Boyd, Ceaser (Mexican Love God Super Groom) & Woodburn

I am now living back to my bachelor days with Silva down in Wellington. The house is already a mess, dominos pizza everynight and I am still trying to work out how to use the washing machine. I am heading down to Wellington this weekend to watch Silva compete in a dressage show.
Tonight I picked up the Australian Young Rider Champion, Lauren Balcomb from Philadelphia International Airport. Lauren is a great friend of mine from Australia and recently won Adelaide CCI** on the first horse I bred "Kootamootoo". Lauren is here for a month to work and ride at the barn here inUnionville and also the farm down in Aiken.
Until next time