All four of Boyd's horses had a successful cross-country day at The Fork CIC*** in Norwood, North Carolina. Remington XXV, pictured above, (all photos by Amber Heintzberger), was a superstar and jumped clean around the CIC*** cross-country course and is currently standing 18th.

Benwald jumped clear and a conservative round added 35.6 time faults, so he is currently in 43rd place in the CIC***. Boyd's Aussie homebred mare Shatzi W jumped clear around the intermediate course with 5.6 time faults and is now in 4th place. Continuing in the good form that he has shown all spring, Minotaure du Passoir, pictured below, maintains his lead in preliminary division C with 31.9 penalties. Feeling good on his last ride of the day, Boyd gives his fans in the VIP tent the thumbs-up as he cruises through the water complex!

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