Our winter training season is quickly coming to an end, which means that we're going to be packing up & taking our convoy back to our new farm in Pa. We've had another fabulous season down here at Ilene Boorman's Bridle Creek Farm (formerly Mohaph), and appreciate all the amazing improvements that she made for this season.
This year we enjoyed a brand new jump field, large riding ring with excellent footing for flat work and the nearby cross-country schooling course, which featured tons of new jumps by Eric Bull! The barn is gorgeous and the spacious turn-out fields are second to none. The surrounding area has endless trails for hacking and fitness work, and we're right near Phillip Dutton's training facility.
We want to thank Ilene for all the improvements that she's made in order to provide us with a first class training facility. Now it's time to spread the word that her facility is available for lease and for ship-ins for schooling!
Ilene has also been working away at launching her new website BridleCreekFarm.com, which will showcase the facility and events she plans to hold in the near future! Until then here is Detailed Information on Bridle Creek Farm:
Bridle Creek Farm is located in the Bridle Creek equestrian community adjacent to Phillip and Evie Dutton’s winter training facility and USA assistant team veterinarian Kevin Keane’s farm. The farm backs to miles of trails and is within a half-hour drive of numerous competitions and other equestrian facilities, providing unlimited opportunities to compete and train.
Stabling and Accommodations:
Karl Splan designed the barn to create a stress free and safe environment for the horses and a layout to minimize stable management time. There are nine twelve-by-twelve stalls which are solidly built with double walls between the stalls and grills for ventilation and visibility. There is also a privacy barrier where the feed buckets are located to reduce tensions between neighbors at feeding times. Each stall has dutch doors and is equipped with individually controlled overhead fans and automatic waters. Buckets may be hung for those horses whose water in-take requires monitoring. There is also a large tack room with washer and dryer, feed room, wash stall and a half bath on the main floor. Upstairs is a two bedroom furnished apartment.
Laurie Fix Photography |
There are fourteen four-board paddocks in immaculate repair all with electric on top. Six paddocks have no common fence lines and all paddocks can be viewed from the barn and dressage ring so that horses can be monitored at all times.
There are two rings both constructed by Brian Reidmuller (Brinik Paving). The dressage ring is 88’ by 220’ and has two and one-half inches of rubber and stone sand footing over a firmly compacted four-inch stone base. The ring is irrigated and dragged daily providing a surface which the equine athletes trust, encouraging better movement and more confidence while reducing the chance of an injury due to a miss-step. For the rider, there is a full side of mirrors.
Laurie Fix Photography |
The jump and dressage competition ring, added in 2011, is 140’ by 280’ and has two and a half inches of rubber and stone sand footing over a fully compacted six inch stone base. This ring is also irrigated. Despite its size, Brian Reidmuller’s ring building expertise has resulted in a ring that drains almost instantaneously providing excellent footing during all but the most severe downpours.
Jump and Schooling Field:
This recently cleared field was hand raked and leveled to provide the perfect place to school on the flat or set up a grand prix jump course.
Cross Country Schooling Field:
This ten acre area was designed from inception by XC jump designer Eric Bull with guidance from top international event rider Boyd Martin to present numerous cross country questions. The land was prepared in painstaking detail being hand raked and leveled to provide the equine athlete with secure and predictable footing. It introduces key elements for schooling cross-country, including a large water jump with a gradual entrance (for the novice horse and rider) to banks and a mound which challenge the more advanced horse and rider combination. There is also a sunken road with both banks and a mound, a huge two level bank complex, ditches and numerous cross-country fences. Eric designed each feature to provide numerous lines for schooling unlimited questions.
Facility Leasing:
The barn including eight stalls and eight paddocks and dressage and jump rings and furnished two bedroom apartment is available for lease from April 1st through December 31st. Rental prices include lawn and pasture maintenance, weekly ring maintenance and power washing the barn upon departure. Preference is given to an individual or group leasing the farm for the nine month period but shorter rentals may be available. Rates vary by the season and the length of the rental.
Barbara Weinbrecht