In addition to Prosecco's successful and well-publicized showing last weekend at the Wellington Classic Dressage Challenge II show, Silva and Jeff the Chef won the Young Horse Prix St. Georges on Sunday.
She says, "I am very excited because we have been working so hard and it finally came together. Jeff did a great test with no mistakes. There were three judges and one judge gave us 71%, one judge gave us 70%, and one judge gave us only 66%. But with a final score of 68% we still won the very competitive class!"
Silva continues, "Sea Lord also did a great test. He went in the Fourth Level Test 3 and for the first time he did not feel as green in the canter. We scored 68% and finished second!
"Caitlin and her new mare, Gabriella Rossellini, did very well for their first show together. They scored almost 64.47% and finished sixth."