A word from our sponsor:
Phoebe Ingram of Choice of Champions International writes, “Choice of Champions is now sponsoring Boyd because he is a very successful event rider with a bright future and likes using our products but there was a lot more than that that went into the decision to sponsor him.
“I met Boyd in Aiken this winter. I spent time watching him doing some coaching with a young friend of mine and also training a young horse. I liked not only his style, with his easy, Australian, laid-back attitude but his obvious knowledge of how to teach both person and horse. How do get the best out of the person by pushing them to have more confidence in their own abilities, and how to get the best out of the horse by not giving in to any antics, which could be a funny process to watch, and equally giving it confidence in its own abilities. Boyd also came out to the farm I was staying on and taught people and horses from beginner novice up and they all really enjoyed his approach.
“Boyd is fun to spend time with. We had one memorable evening where he joined a group of us “oldies” for dinner and we all laughed and drank and ate a great deal and I think he probably went away rather bemused. It shows he relates to all types of people and is a great ambassador for his chosen sport and we are very happy to be sponsoring him.”