Rosa in the PSG |
Rosa Cha W finished seventh out of 57 horses in the Prix St George! I am so happy with her performance yesterday and thrilled that she is so competitive against this big, talented group of horses and riders.
Rosa |
Unfortunately Stately had a big spook right at the beginning of our test, which hurt our score. He did do a very good test after that and finished on 67%, in 13th place. Both horses qualified for the Intermediare 1 today; Rosa went second in the ring this morning, at 8.08am and Stately goes at 11.34am. Here's hoping he stays focused on his job the whole time.
Saphira and John |
I also rode the fabulous Saphira in the PSG yesterday. This was her first CDI and our partnership has only been about 6 weeks. Unfortunately she was very tense and a little spooky, which cost us a lot of points . But she is still a great horse and we just need more time together, to get to know each other. It was so great to have her owners, John McGuire and Marilyn Johnson, here. As you can see, Saphira and John have a special relationship!