Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Rosa Cha Training Update

Rosa and I have been working hard over the last few months and I am exited for next year. She has come such a long way and she amazes me all the time! This horse tries 110% every day. It is very rewarding for me to watch the video, because I have done everything from the very beginning with this mare. I remember the first day after she was born and she was an over achiever even then - nothing has changed!

A big thanks to all of the syndicate members for your ongoing support.




  1. Awesome!
    How great it is to take a horse from the beginning and produce it--this --shows what a great horse woman you are!

  2. WONDERFUL ride, Silva!! SO proud of both of you and all your hard work! ~Dori

  3. Wow, she looks fabulous!
