Friday, December 16, 2011

A Gift of Art from Bramble Hollow Fine Arts

The entire crew at Windurra USA would like to thank Angela Deppe for her beautiful gift to Lillian Heard, a sculpture created out of polymer clay from a picture of Lillian on Ariel during one of their dressage tests.  I've attached a picture of the piece from Angela, which was mailed to Lillian's parents this past week.

The following is a description of Angela's business and choice in artistic medium for this sculpture.  Thanks again to Angela for all of her efforts in creating this beautiful piece!

"My business is called  Bramble Hollow Fine Arts, at or on facebook as Bramble Hollow Fine Arts.  I live in Sykesville, Maryland.  

Right now my sculptural art is strictly realistic portraiture, with a nod to Eastern and classical influences as far as composition and decorative elements.  My art background consists of two semesters of figurative sculpture at Towson State, a summer course at painting at The Mitchell School in Lutherville, MD with Richard House in 2000 - where I learned how to see -and most recently a course of plein air painting with Tim Bell in Easton, MD.

When I was a child, music was the family passion so there was nothing left for other pursuits. I became self taught in anything that caught my fancy - from wood burning and psanky, to watercolor and oils.  I listened very, very well at Pony Club, and wore out the how-to books in the public library.  In fact, the Pony Club moms used to call me 'Princess Daisy', because I earned my pony's hay with the premiums from my 4-H art contest winnings every year.  As an adult I took up carriage driving and was an adept student if I won the occasional spot for a clinic...wore out my volume of Centered Riding and Podhasky's books such that I won the Laurels as my first CDE with a pony I trained myself, as a green driver.

I can't help but bring that same determination to my dream business here, which shows in my ability to capture a resemblance...portrait artists aren't simply recreating beauty or expressing their own interpretation - they have to convince, as well.  I work from photos, but a solid understanding of anatomy and biomechanics gives me an edge in creating a image that celebrates the cycle of energy inherent in every pose or stride.  The artistry in my work is buried in the bas relief...I can manipulate the viewer to focus on this, lead their eye to that through detail and profile.  I want them to marvel at how different it looks from every angle and with every change in the light, so that it appears to be many works of art in one.
So much of our lives is spent in front of a flat screen - a sculpture is two dimensions closer to reality."

If interested in commissioning Angela for your own piece, her contact info is attached!

1 comment:

  1. It looks amazing! Many thanks to Angela for this wonderful piece.
