Saturday, July 21, 2012

New Transportation to the Stables in England

Bad Boyd the Biker

Fatboy and SkinnyBoyd

A big thank you must go to Adam and Caroline, next door neighbors and landlords of the lads' pad in Winchcombe .  They have been great help to all of the boys, cooking up dinner, lending a car and giving me a lift o the stable on a Harley Davidson Fatboy when my car broke down.



  1. luckyyy!!!! I ride my bike or wait for a ride from parents. I can't drive yet :( I too young

  2. Haha the breeches make it that much better..

  3. Very nice Boyd. Love your steel horse

  4. Yeah! Just bought a HD 2010 883L Sportster myself. Gotta love riding in the schoolies and half chaps to the barn.....I think I'm startin to see more of it all the sudden on other bikers. lol!
